Its 30° outside, ever so slightly snowing, and I’m slipping through the mud. I’m last minute location scouting before Julia and Jonnathan get here. About 10 minutes before they arrive I realize I’ve wandered off way too far and start racing back to my car. I make it back to the parking lot just as they pull in. Trying to hide how out of breath I am before we get started.
You guys, these two are TOUGH! By the end of our session, we were so cold. Julia came in this beautiful lace dress that she wore IN THE SNOW! Also, Jonnathan wore brand new dress shoes the whole time, even in the mud. I have to tell you, it was so worth it. I’m in love with the photos we got and we had a blast taking them.
The whole session was like a game to see how long we could last in the cold. How many poses can we get through before we have to jump back in the car to warm up? At one point I was in the process of transitioning them into their next pose when I saw Julia shiver. Mid-sentence I stopped everything, got her back in her coat, and took a break to warm up. I love that she was so willing to keep going even with the cold, but making sure she’s comfortable was my first priority.

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